What is a Collaborator Canvas?

Who are they for?

Identify solutions in an online collaborative engaging environment. Diagnose issues faster and collaborate better using Tirian’s unique Collaborator Canvases. Our Collaborator Canvases are self-led large-scale online mapping templates that can be completed in real-time to identify and solve critical business challenges. Designed for leaders and their teams to discover, diagnose and dialogue about potential challenges – and guiding them towards strategic solutions with clear goals and action plans in a collaborative context. Each Canvas supports targeted team development through providing a structured yet also highly flexible framework for practical action.


Format: Designed as a 1- 3 hour session for small teams  (2-10). Can be used online for virtual sessions, in-person, or hybrid.

Online / Virtual: Initially designed for a virtual table (small team), a collaborator canvas leverages collaborative technology to allow multiple users (online) to work together on the board at the same time.

Face to Face / Hybrid: Some of the digital canvases can be printed onto A0 Flipcharts and used physically around a table, or a hybrid version, by bringing a team together in a room, and using laptops in real-time the Canvas will change as updated by a member. This can be reflected on a large screen out the front of the room and turned into a digital memory / summary PDF.


  • Creates safe spaces for dialogue: These unique resources create safe spaces for teams to discuss issues and plan effective solution strategies.
  • Develops team innovation & growth capabilities:  Focus on Creative & Design Thinking, Innovation Leadership, Communication & Team Dynamics.
  • Leverages multiple interactive elements for engaged learning: Includes diagnostics, goal setting exercises, strategic planning tools, and gamified simulations.



  • Provides an online leaders training course: The leaders’ course provides all necessary instructions & logistics plus some basic content, models and metaphors explained, all to set the leader up to run a Collaborator Canvas with their team.
  • Includes clear instructions: The team canvases are self-contained with step-by-step walk-through instructions & videos, action planning guides & links to more resources.
  • Supports leaders and teams: independent leaders, coaches, business strategists, inhouse training, and teams  – plus our licensed partnerships & accredited coaches. Licensing partners can use these canvases within the context of their workshops &/or to complement extra coaching & strategic planning sessions.
  • Fully tested: Designed and tested by Andrew Grant and Dr Gaia Grant (PhD), who have spent the last 25 years producing corporate educational tools through their work with their consulting company Tirian and the University of Sydney Business School.
  • Cost & time effective for focused teams: $300 per board / 1-3 hours  / 2-10 people


At the core of many Tirian programs is  1: a MODEL (ie Strategic Planning), 2: a METHOD (ie experiential discovery learning  / gamified simulations), and 3) a TOPIC. (Key topic suites: CREATE, INNOVATE, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE, & NARRATE.)

Collaborator Team Canvas

CREATE: Design Thinking (Creative & Critical Thinking)

Come up with better ideas faster. Step by-step process to solve ‘wicked problems’, using Tirian’s “Strategies For Innovative Development” model and a host of generic design thinking tools. (based on the full CSI2 workshop and the second half of the book Who Killed Creativity? and How Can We Get It Back?)

Collaborator Canvas Gamified Simulation

CREATE: Who Killed Creativity? And how to get it back?

A CSI-themed diagnostic gameboard simulation to explore the personal and environmental (cultural) blocks to becoming creative & innovative thinkers.

Collaborator Canvas Extend Tool

Innovative Problem Solving

Discover a proven model for balancing incremental improvements with breakthrough innovations. This research-backed method fosters an ambidextrous mindset, helping you recognize paradoxes and generate creative solutions by focusing on both gradual enhancements and transformative, bold ideas. Available for: Coaches, Independent Leaders & Licenced Partners.  (Basic model & info is contained on the canvas, and in the online leader’s course. Prior knowledge of the Dynamic Polar Positioning (DPoP) model & the teams iCLi profiling would be valuable.)  Can also be printed.

Collaborator Coaching Canvas:

INNOVATE: Innovation Ambidextrous Leadership

Gather a small team together to share iCLi graphs / assessment profiles and balance the Ambidexterity of the team with diagnostic tools, mapping, action planning and goal setting – link Innovation Action Board – follow up after a workshop with action planning and goal setting

Collaborator Canvas Gamified Simulation

INNOVATE: Innovation Cultural Mapping

Race around the world looking at Innovation case studies, best (and worst) practices. Plot your organization's current and desired state onto the map. Finish up with an action plan, & leadership behaviors, to give your organization a sustainable future direction.

Strategic Planning Canvas

INNOVATE: The Innovation Racing Line Strategic Planning Canvas

Navigate to your future faster. Use The Innovation Racing Line Strategic Planning Canvas to plan out the team /organization's best route ahead for the future.

Collaborator Team Canvas

INNOVATE: Innovation Action Board

Balance any team tension ensuring "agility, alignment & ambidexterity" for a secure sustainable future. This Action Board is designed as a follow-up after a workshop or coaching session, complete with action planning and goal setting. (for licenced partners)

Collaborator Canvas Gamified Simulation

COMMUNICATE: The Reality of Virtual Teams

Explore the communication challenges of being a virtual team by solving the Antarctic-themed “Winter Over Mystery Game” – virtually!

Fully licensed partners 
get unlimited access to the canvases and the equivalent physical table versions, if it forms part of their contract in the context of a full workshop & TTT contract. They also have the option to purchase separately for consulting & coaching &/or onsell to their clients.


Independent Self-Led Leaders & Coaches 
can purchase the canvas online by enrolling in a specific course. Look for any courses that say “… >> for Independent Leaders & Teams.” or “…>> for Coaches & Teams.” Once enrolled they will be sent a unique URL to their canvas (miroboard).


Independent Self-Led Leaders Agreement: 
Please note that the Collaborator Canvases are picked from Tirian's full program suite and are specially selected modules. Their purpose / use is for dialogue with small teams. This type of licensing model is not suitable, nor permitted to be used for teaching, training, workshops, nor commercial licensing beyond one-on-one and selected small groups. (anything beyond this would require the leaders to apply for full licensing partnership.) Tirian can remove / block any Miroboard URLat their discretion.


Reuse of the Collaborators Canvases: 
It’s recommended to repurchase a new board each time, for new teams, especially if the team wants to keep their current canvas live, (allowing them to revisit and update it). However at a squeeze, it can be reused by the same purchaser, with the same team and a limited time (3 months) noting the canvas would need to be reset (scrubbed) by the purchaser.

A Collaborator Canvas is an Elements Version of the Full program: The original idea of creating these Collaborator Canvases was that if a participant (from a full workshop) wanted to take a small section of a Tirian program to their team without engaging a high-cost facilitator, and or use virtually,  they could run a simple elements version on a Miroboard. This has now been expanded to anyone can use these. However, these versions do not include the full workshop content,  PPT slides, or other collaterals. Its been designed as a one off,  1-3 hours, single-use small team of 7-10 pax.  

Look for any courses that say “… >> for Independent Leaders & Teams.” or “…>> for Coaches & Teams.”

What else is available?

For any of these courses, there is the option to engage a Tirian director / author / researcher / coach on a case-by-case consulting basis. Upload a canvas and let get an experts perspective. (additional fees apply)

If you want to dive deep into the innovation Future Ready Leadership content, and learn to use it for coaching, we recommend starting with this course.  (additional fees apply) 

PRE COURSES (Intro & Essential packs) & LEARNING JOURNEYS (follow-up)
These courses allows participants to self-pace preparing for a core session AND then follow this up with implementation in the workplace, through self-reflection, action planning and goal setting  (approx: 45 mins once a week, for 7 weeks)  (additional fees apply) 

Privacy: The Miroboard URLs sent to the leader are unique, however, anyone with the URL could potentially view the Miroboard. Selected Tirian staff may also be able to view it,  it is not shared beyond its intended use, nor publicly shared.  Participants have the option to enter the Miroboard anonymously, or just use their initials. The leader can make a PDF of the finished board / results and then wipe the board clean, removing any ability for others to see it. (Including the team)
See Miros Privacy page 


  • Which of the courses in this LMS are available as Collaborative Canvases?

    Independent Self-Led Leaders & Coaches can purchase the canvas online by enrolling in a specific course. Look for any courses that say “… >> for Independent Leaders & Teams.” or “…>> for Coaches & Teams.” Once enrolled they will be sent a unique URL to their canvas (Miroboard).

  • How does a team leader or coach get the actual Collaborator Canvas / Gamified Simulation (Miroboard) and use it with their team/ coachee?

    ANSWER: The ‘Collaborator Canvas / Gamified Simulation is on a Miroboard, but is accessed through our Learning Management System (what you are on right now) https://courses.tirian.com/ The team leader (not the rest of the team) purchases and enrols in this course. As soon as we get notice of your enrolment, we will create and send a unique URL link to access your own Miroboard Canvas. As the team leader you will then set up a time with your team and send them the URL link to share the Miroboard. You can start on this leader learning course immediately, however for the URL board link, please allow a 2-3 working days or contact us on [email protected] .

  • What is the best team size for the Collaborator Canvas / Gamified Simulation (Miroboard)?

    Most Canvases are designed for a small team (table size) up to 8 people.

  • I have more than 1 team, and more than 8 people.

    ANSWER: You can repurchase OR reuse (see below) but do note the Independent Self-Led Leaders Agreement: A Collaborator Canvas is picked from Tirian's full program suite and are specially selected modules. Their purpose / use is for dialogue with small teams. This type of licensing model is not suitable, nor permitted to be used for training, teaching, running workshops, or commercial licensing beyond one-on-one and selected small groups. (anything beyond this would require the leaders to apply for full licensing partnership.) Tirian can remove / block any Miroboard URL at their discretion.

  • How do I purchase additional Collaborator Canvases?

    ANSWER: If you want to purchase more than one canvas /board or repeat for future sessions, contact us (TIRIAN) [email protected] and we can arrange codes and an invoice. Noting the above info > that this canvas board is for team coaching only. Anything larger should fall under the engagement of a complete workshop or full licencing partnership agreement.

  • Can I reuse the Collaborators Canvases?

    ANSWER: Independent Self-Led Leaders & Coaches- It’s recommended to repurchase a new board each time, for new teams, especially if the team wants to keep their current canvas live, (allowing them to revisit and update it). However at a squeeze, it can be reused by the same purchaser, noting the canvas would need to be reset (scrubbed) by the purchaser. Fully licensed partners - get unlimited access to the canvases and the equivalent physical table versions, if it forms part of their contract in the context of a full workshop & TTT contract.

  • Can I get more support and coaching for myself?

    ANSWER: YES! BEFORE: There is the option for the leader to be fully prepared by booking coaching sessions and be guided through any part of the process. AFTER their session there is the option to upload their canvas to receive, Analyses Feedback & Coaching. (Additional fees apply)

  • What is the difference between a Collaborator Canvas and a Full Licencing Partner contract?

    The Collaborator Canvas is a small section of a single Tirian module. A Collaborator Canvas does not dive deep into content. Independent purchases pay $p/board. Its is not designed, suitable, nor permitted to be used for teaching, training, workshops, beyond one-on-one and selected small groups. (Anything beyond this will require the leaders to apply for full licensing partnership. The canvases are not duplicable, and hence Tirian can control the distribution and even remove / block them at their discretion.) A LICENSING PARTNER has access to the full suite, programs & modules. This includes the full longer content, activities, PPT slides, leaders manual, a full set of collaterals (workbooks, flipcharts & digital tools), resources & personalized support, training and accreditation. A licensing partner pays IP% royalties, based on the agreed % of the workshop fee, and if the Collaborator Canvas is used inside this workshop there is no extra charge.

  • What is a Tirian designed COLLABORATOR CANVASES?

    A Collaborator Canvas is a fillable real-time board template designed by Tirian, for leaders (self-lead), coaches, facilitators & accredited licenced partners, who want to coach & lead a small team to dialogue, diagnose & discover. They leverage collaborative technology to allow multiple users to work together on the board at the same time. Our COLLABORATOR CANVASES can be used for coaching, simulation, strategic planning and gamification. They can also be printed and used face-to-face &/or hybrid. They can be used as a standalone independent session or in conjunction with any of the above courses and Tirian programs.