THE INNOVATION RACING LINE: Strategic Planning Canvas
Navigating to the future faster by executing a winning strategy. The Innovation Racing Line Strategic Planning Canvas uses the uniquely developed Dynamic Polar Positioning tool (DPoP) to ensure leaders and teams can build the best strategy through planning the most effective route. Teams learn how to map out a sustainable path, breaking the strategy down into distinct sections (including anticipating the challenging curves), and identifying the best ‘racing line’ and crew to navigate the chosen path successfully.
Available for: Coaches, Independent Leaders & Licenced Partners. (Basic model & info is contained on the canvas, and in the online leader's course. Prior knowledge of the Dynamic Polar Positioning (DPoP) model & the teams iCLi profiling would be valuable.) Can also be printed.
The Innovation Racing Line: Strategic planning canvas, helps leaders and their teams to deal with competing innovation demands by using this canvas to effectively create a winning strategic plan. Leaders that select this program want to engage a team to explore how leaders can identify & use to their benefit the paradoxical tension in leadership teams, when it comes to planning a way forwards (road map).
The Innovation Racing Line Strategic Planning Canvas uses the metaphor of 'The Racing Line', Dr Grant's Dynamic Polar Positioning tool (DPoP) and the Innovative Change Leader (iCLi) assessment all combined into a simple strategic planning canvas.
Preparation for innovation requires strategic project planning and implementation. This means getting from a start point to the finish line in the most efficient and effective way possible. To do this requires an ability to read and navigate a path that will enable maximum speed, but also to anticipate and mitigate risks. This powerful combination will ensure leaders and teams can build the best strategy by planning the most effective routes.
Teams learn how to map out a sustainable path, breaking the strategy down into distinct sections (including anticipating the challenging curves), and identifying the best ‘racing line’ to navigate the chosen path successfully.
Dr Gaia Grant’s latest research reveals how understanding ‘Paradoxical Innovation Orientations’ (PIOs) and applying the ‘Dynamic Polar Positioning Tool’ (DPoP) at the individual, team and organisation levels can assist with fuelling innovation and sustainable growth. In this program participants learn how to manage the dynamic tension between the principles of exploration, for breakthrough new innovation ideas, and preservation, for incremental continuous improvement and then apply it to strategic planning. They learn how to lead teams to ensure they are propelled forward rather than ripped apart by the creative tension. Through this process participants come to appreciate the importance of becoming ambidextrous, agile and aligned future-ready leaders.

Coaches who have completed the Ambidextrous Future-Ready Leadership - Coaching Accreditation course & certification for using the Innovation Change Leadership Inventory (iCLi), can use this team canvas for small work teams.
Leaders and their teams that want to create a winning strategic plan, using the Innovation Race tools and models. (Independently / self-led / DIY)
Leaders who have participated in an INNOVATE professionally facilitated sessions and would like to use the canvas for their teams.
Licenced Partners & their accredited facilitators (this course complements the full workshop and PPT slide deck). Check for a coupon code to access this course as part of the licensing TTT package.
OUTLINE & FLOW (approx 1-2 hours)
- Understand the metaphor (the racing line)
- Learn the model
- Build the canvas (strategically plan)
- Implement and execute
This Collaborator Canvas can also be printed. (Large A0 flipcharts)
- How to move forward to embrace change, and how a leader can manage this tension using the paradox theory of understanding ‘exploration’ and ‘preservation’ biases.
- How to use innovation tensions successfully to become future ready, rather than have the tensions of ‘change’ tear a team / organisation apart.
- Your own bias towards innovation through the validated ‘Innovation Change Leader’ (iCLi) profile measure, and identify if you are ready to be an innovative leader
- Identify how to lead and manage innovation through successfully navigating the 4 key innovation paradoxes.
- Understand the ‘Paradoxical Innovation Leadership Orientations’ (PILOs) and how they can assist with strategic alignment and enable leadership ambidexterity
- Consider your individual strengths and challenges.
- Build a winning strategic plane. (road map).