FUTURE-READY LEADERSHIP- iCLi Team Coaching Canvas >> for Coaches (IR2)
Core course coaching Canvas instructions for team coaching (max7) of the iCLi profiling tool (for using with the Coaching Collaborator Canvas.)
ABOUT – Ambidextrous Leadership Coaching Canvas
Logistics: Tech Specs details for the TEAM Core courses
FREE PREVIEWPreparation and Getting Started for Online Independent Self-Led Teams
Future-Ready Ambidextrous Leadership iCLi content recap
Instructions - 'Collaborative Team Canvas'
Start the Collaborator Canvas now
Innovative Change Leadership Tools - Canvases, Action Board, Simulations
AFTER: Options for continued learning after the sessions
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Ambidextrous Future-Ready Leadership Collaborator Canvas: Coach team tensions more effectively.
Identifying innovation strengths & gaps, and explore 'Ambidextrous Future-Ready Leadership'. Great for coaches wanting to gather a small team together to share Innovation Climate Leadership Inventory (iCLi) profile results. This will help balance a team when innovating, & ensure that any team tension is used to move towards sustainable innovation. Makes use of profiling, diagnostic tools, mapping, action planning and goal setting.
This session focuses on the iCLi assessment and uses an online fully interactive coaching canvas. It is designed for a coach to use with a team to provide feedback on innovative leadership capabilities, gaps and development opportunities. An ideal way to explore the concepts of Ambidextrous Leadership, this session can assist with addressing the tensions facing teams that need to innovate and face change. This is a great way to debrief the Innovation Climate Leadership Inventory (iCLi) profile results and utilizing the strengths of a diverse team.
Leaders that select this program want to engage a team to explore how leaders can identify & make sense of the paradoxical tension in leadership teams, The coach will use the team tension to gravitate a team forwards being constructive, rather than allowing the team to ripping themselves apart. The session charts a path to help leaders identify & assess their own and the team’s readiness for innovation, ensuring long terms sustainable innovation.
This Collaborator Canvas can also be printed. (Large A0 flipcharts)
The iCLi & iCi measures will help individuals and organisations to identify strengths in innovative thinking and future readiness, along with potential areas for development. Our research has revealed that the best innovators are able to work in both:
- ‘EXPLORATION’ mode (having the ability to think broadly and make diverse connections for ideation) AND
- ‘PRESERVATION’ mode (solution focused thinking for implementable innovation outcomes).
These profiling tools identify four key ‘paradoxical pairings’ that have been proven to assist with innovation in these two modes. It is through effectively balancing both polar positions of the paradox at each stage of the innovation process that individuals will have the most success.
The iCLi measure enables you to see where you are currently positioned between these two poles. You will be able to easily see if they have balance on both sides, or if you have developed a strength on one side at the expense of the other. You will be able to identify whether you are more likely to be able to innovate through connections and collaboration with people (people focus), or through task competencies (task focus). You will be able to identify the challenges of operating at the extremes (with the potential for burnout) and where there are shortcomings (the potential for ineffectiveness).
The session is designed to reveal how to build a culture that supports purposeful and sustainable innovation and growth. Dr Gaia Grant’s latest research reveals how understanding ‘Paradoxical Innovation Orientations’ (PIOs) and applying the ‘Polar Positioning Tool’ (PoP) at the individual, team and organisation levels can assist with fuelling innovation and sustainable growth. In this program participants learn how to manage the dynamic tension between the principles of exploration, for breakthrough new innovation ideas, and preservation, for incremental continuous improvement. They learn how to lead teams to ensure they are propelled forward rather than ripped apart by the creative tension. Through this process participants come to appreciate the importance of becoming ambidextrous, agile and aligned future-ready leaders.
Drawing from her research with thousands of survey responses, multiple interviews with global executives and deep dive case study immersions - along with fascinating case studies from her consulting work with organisations over 30 years - these sessions reveal how leaders can foster sustainable development.
Complete the iCLi profile
The team leader/coach will enrol in this online course in order to get access to an ONLINE Core Elements Collaborative Team Coaching Canvas. (Ambidextrous Leadership Coaching Canvas)
The actual coaching canvas session takes place on a Miroboard. This course is to set the leader up to run the session (and to make payment). The coaching canvas comes complete with instructions, videos & steps, for the leader to run the core elements of the program independently.
This coaching canvas is not content-heavy. It's a tool/canvas to be used for discussion and strategic planning. For coaches wanting to dive deep into the content, we recommend becoming trained and accredited. This can be achieved by enrolling in the course called:
- Ambidextrous Future-Ready Leadership - COACHING ACCREDITATION course. Includes certification for using the Innovation Change Leadership Inventory (iCLi)
There are several delivery options to choose from:
The digital program comes with a digital Miro-board and online exercises. The leader can run the session virtually AND OR inperson.
OPTION-1: FOR INDEPENDENT LEADERS & TEAMS Collaborate in independent self-led teams |
a) Only the team leader needs to purchase this course online.
b) The team leader follows the course flow, logistics info & instructions to coordinate with their team.
c) Tirian will send a unique ULR to access the digital Miroboard.
d) The team leader then invites the rest of their team (max 8) by way of the unique URL (browser-based) to join the digital Miroboard.
If you are on this course page, then you have landed on Option 1.
Click the BUY button at the very top of this page. The above fee is only paid by the team leader and covers everyone on the team (max 8) and includes this course for the team leaders and 1 Miroboard (Collaborator Canvas). This Collaborator Canvas is an extension for teams that have (purchased) / completed the iCLi assessment prior. (see 'Prerequisite' section above)
Single use / Reuse: Each board is designed for a single team that can revisit the board at any time. The board can be erased and reused (losing the initial team's data) so ideally we recommended purchasing an extra board for each new team @$300. (contact Tirian for additional boards)
Self-led teams (option #1) also have the option to upload their boards and assessments to receive professional Analysis /Feedback /Coaching and help to identify innovation leadership capabilities. (extra fees apply)
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Book an accredited facilitator to walk you / your team(s) through the full program in a virtual or face to face workshop setting. This allows for an extended comprehensive debrief, to reach more customized outcomes and develop action plans.
HOW? contact Tirian to book a workshop.
(consider becoming a licenced partner or accredited facilitator)
Multiple tools to enable a deeper more enriched experience.
In addition, to the Collaborator Canvas (this course), there are other Action Board and Gamified simulation tools such as The Innovation Action Boards, Team Coaching boards and The Innovation Racing Line, that can be used to achieve innovative leadership change. These tools can be delivered virtually/coaching session or face to face, AND as an extension for leaders to explore the concepts in more detail with their teams. The online canvas comes complete with instructions, videos, and steps, for any leader to run independently OR engage a professional facilitator to run as part of a complete (content-rich) workshop.
Coaches can purchase and then use these additional tools to work with individuals and small teams.
Most of the tools in this INNOVATION suite require some understanding of the key models used such as the: Innovative Change Leader Inventory (iCLI) and the Dynamic Polar Positioning Tool (DPoP)
Diagnose faster. Collaborate better. Independent leaders and teams can now diagnose issues faster and collaborate better. These Core Elements courses are based on unique self-led Collaborator Canvases and Gamified Simulations. These resources are designed to create safe spaces for teams to discuss challenges and identify effective solution strategies to ensure tension drives sustainable innovation.
1) Ambidextrous Leadership Collaborative Team Coaching Canvas: A coaching canvas that can be used to identify areas of tension and opportunities within a team.
2) iCLi (Innovation Change Leader Inventory) Assessment (Individual, team, and Organisation, +360)
3) Innovation Action Board: Designed to capture all the learnings, data and action plans used by a full (large) team at the end of a workshop session.
4) The Innovation Racing Line: Strategic Planning Canvas: Uses the uniquely developed Dynamic Polar Positioning tool (DPoP) to ensure leaders and teams can build the best strategy through planning the most effective route. Teams learn how to map out a sustainable path, breaking the strategy down into distinct sections (including anticipating the challenging curves), and identifying the best ‘racing line’ and crew to navigate the chosen path successfully.
5) The Innovation Race: Destinations Simulation & Culture Mapping – Collaborators Canvas
An immersive simulation (full licensed workshop) designed to help teams explore the organization’s strategic positioning. Using the Dynamic Polar Positioning (DPoP) model, this simulation identifies current and desired states to look at the big picture and map the organization’s capabilities and gaps. The end output is to establish a strategic sustainable innovative path with implementable action plans.
More info about the Innovation ToolKits can be found at https://tirian.com/resources/self-led-diy/
This current course is for an individual, coach, leader with their small team (or one on one) to explore via a coaching model the implications of the iCLi assessment and future-ready leadership.
ADDITIONAL OPTIONS (can be purchased)
The iCLi 360 version: By identifying both individual self-perceptions and team perceptions of individual perspectives, the 360 report enables greater insight into individual strengths and challenges, and enables more targeted opportunities for development. By demonstrating how it is possible to build on strengths and address potential challenge areas, the 3\iCLi360 tool provides an invaluable tool for ongoing success.
Analysis, Feedback & Coaching (AFC)
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Andrew Grant (BEd, Dip Tch) Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race” |
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Gaia Grant (PhD, MSc, Grad Dip Change Leadership, BD (hons), BA, Dip Ed.) |
To see our full list of accredited coaches please visit https://the-innovation-race.com/accredited-icli-coaches-partners/ |
ANSWER: The ‘miro’ board /canvas, is accessed through our Learning Management System https://courses.tirian.com/ and forms the CORE ELEMENTS program part of a larger INNOVATE suite. By purchasing and enrolling in the CORE Elements course module, OR TEAM COURSE, (or the bundle pack), this will allow the leader to receive a URL link to their own board and then share it with their team. To receive the board canvas URL, enrol and we should be notified. You can start on the Pre-Course immediately, however for the board link, please allow a 2-3 working days.
ANSWER: There are up to 7 places on the board. This course is designed for a very small close team. (team coaching). The board is for reflection, discussion & feedback. It is not designed for teaching. Any larger will require the engagement of a full workshop.
ANSWER: You can automatically buy and start running the session immediately for you as a leader and your 1 team (max 8). If you want to purchase more than one canvas /board or repeat for future sessions, contact us (TIRIAN) [email protected] and we can arrange codes and an invoice. Noting that this canvas board is for team coaching only. Anything larger should fall under the engagement of a complete workshop.
Yes. The iCLi assessment is not included in this package price. This is because some will purchase the iCLi assessment and not this board, or may choose to use this course / board at a later stage.
ANSWER: Not really! The board can be used by individuals but its designed for a small team. Individuals can walk through the board ideas and concepts independently, with the recommended option to combine the experience with the other learning modules as part of the full bundle self-paced online courses. (Pre-course, Learning Journey, and the book).
YES: we have a full integrated course (including PRE and POST learning, with ADVANCED ASSIGNMENT and ACCREDITATION options. ... ... There is also the opportunity to buy LICENCING and train the trainer for large scale roll-outs and/or independent training companies. .... This progam is also part of a larger Suite. ... ... After completing this course, you can go onto be engaged with more Suites in this topic.
More FAQs, course logistics and info are found in the courses pages (free preview sections). However, to access these, you will need to create a free account and log in.