Course curriculum


    1. Instructions - Collaborator Canvas / Flipchart / Whorksheet

    2. Logistics: Details for the TEAM Core courses

    1. The AMBIDEXTROUS APPROACH for Innovative Problem Solving.

    2. Watch the Video (Instructions)

    3. Download the Worksheet / Flipchart

    4. Start the model: How to use the model

    5. EXTEND> Enabling a paradigm shift. The Preserve and Explore Modes

    6. 1 Keyword: Boat

    7. 2 Keyword: River

    8. 3 Keyword: Budget

    9. 4 Keyword: Car

    10. 5 Keyword: Size

    11. Innovative Problem Solving - solved

    12. Quiz checkup

    13. Using the IPS EXtend model: At work

    14. Using the IPS EXtend to solve your very own challenge

    1. Extension: iCLI profiling tool - Explore Preserve Model

    2. Extention - Ambidextrous Leadership

    3. Extention: Can innovative Problem Solving be leant / taught?

    1. Stay in touch! & How to contact us

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Extend: Innovative Problem-Solving

About this course

Extend: Innovative Problem-Solving

The ambidextrous Design Thinking-X EXTEND tool is used for innovative problem solving – or coming up with original ideas to address challenges. This is a new tool created by Dr Gaia Grant which incorporates the Explore Preserve model to go deeper into Design Thinking. The EXTEND model involves adopting an ambidextrous mindset, which means looking for solutions based on both incremental small adjustments as well as breakthrough new thinking.

This session will cover how to start thinking in these two modes to address challenges more effectively. You will learn how to think in PRESERVE mode – or developing ‘Inside the box’ ideas – stretching & adapting current concepts for incremental change. Then you will learn how to think in EXPLORE mode – or developing ‘Outside the box’ ideas – breaking the paradigm and changing the parameters for breakthrough new solutions. You will be surprised to learn how differently you can start thinking about a challenge when you are given the tools to extend your problem-solving skills.


The World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report (2023) highlights the critical importance of developing innovative problem-solving skills to deal with complex rapid change futures. This research identifies learning experiences that address core paradoxical innovation tensions for developing greater competence and capabilities in innovative problem-solving. The findings of the study indicate that teaching a unique approach to “active ambidexterity” improves innovative problem-solving. Then research found that not only can this method help to produce more original ideas, it can also enable improved situational analysis for better adapting to rapid change.

Who is this course for? 

  1. Leaders and teams that want to use quick and simple  innovative problem-solving process to come up with better ideas (and solutions) faster!
  2. The canvas can also be used by individuals to systematically walk through a simple innovative problem-solving process. - one step at a time. 

Delivery Options

There are several delivery options to choose from:

This session comes with the ‘collaborator canvas’ a worksheet / flipcart and/or a digital Miro-board. The session can be self-lead by an independent leader. This can also be complemented with more content from a professional facilitator and other online resources. 


Dive deep with an accredited professional facilitator.

Book an accredited facilitator to walk you / your team(s) through the full program with a A) face to face, OR  B) virtual live workshop setting. This allows for full content and an extended comprehensive debrief, to reach more customized outcomes and develop action plans.

HOW? contact Tirian to book a workshop.

(consider becoming a licenced partner or accredited facilitator)


Collaborate in independent self-led teams.

If you are on this course page, then you have landed on Option-2.

Click the BUY button at the very top of this page. The above fee is only paid once by the team leader and covers everyone on the team.  The board can be reused by the same leader and team. (but this lesson pricing is not for licensing, -not to be used for reteaching commercial workshops)

Purchase the digital Miroboard as an independent team, and use the format to discuss the topic in teams, using the online video & written instructions. 



a) Only the team leader needs to purchase this course online.  

b) The team leader follows the course flow,  logistics info & instructions to coordinate with their team.

c) We will send a unique ULR to the actual digital Miroboard.

d) The team leader then invites the rest of their team by way of the unique URL (browser-based) to join the digital Miroboard.


This digital Miro board can also be printed onto A1 large flipchart paper and used physically in a face-to-face team session.


Explore the concepts as an individual.

If you are on this course page (as an individual), then you have landed on Option-3

Click the BUY button at the very top of this page and start learning.

Individual self-paced learning through walking through the model, ideas and concepts independently.

Print the Worksheet as an A4, follow the lessons, and start innovatively problem solving. 


INNOVATE: Future-ready Psychometric Assessment Tools


Key recommended diagnostic tools to assess innovation readiness Validated assessments based on research into how to identify alignment in leaders and cultures, and how leaders can lead for innovation and effective change management. The assessments measure the innovation climate in an organization (iCi), along with individual innovation biases (iCLi). To understand your natural bias to the Explore / Preserve model (used in this course) we recomend you (purchase) the iCLi assesment profile tool. (additional fees apply)
Key recommended diagnostic tools to assess innovation readiness Validated assessments based on research into how to identify alignment in leaders and cultures, and how leaders can lead for innovation and effective change management. The assessments measure the innovation climate in an organization (iCi), along with individual innovation biases (iCLi).

Analysis /Feedback /Coaching Options

  • $500.00

    Analysis, Feedback & Coaching (AFC)

    Self-led teams have the option to upload their canvas / board / assessments to receive professional Analysis /Feedback /Coaching. Help to identify readiness & capabilities.
    Buy Now

Designers & Research Team

Andrew Grant (BEd, Dip Tch)

Executive Director Tirian

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race”

Gaia Grant  (PhD, MSc, Grad Dip Change Leadership, BD (hons), BA, Dip Ed.)

Executive Director Tirian, Author, Doctoral Researcher & Lecturer
Associate Adjunct Faculty Discipline of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | University of Sydney B
usiness School. 
Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race” & Director of Tirian 

Dr Martin Dowson, PhD, (Ed), PhD (Th)
Director of Academic Development at Excelsia College


  • How do people purchase the Collaborative Team Canvas?

    ANSWER: The ‘Collaborator Canvas / Gamified Simulation is on a Miroboard, but is accessed through our Learning Management System (what you are on right now) The team leader (not the rest of the team) purchases and enrols in this course. As soon as we get notice of your enrolment, we will create and send a unique URL link to access your own Miroboard Canvas. As the team leader you will then set up a time with your team and send them the URL link to share the Miroboard. You can start on this leader learning course immediately, however for the URL board link, please allow a 2-3 working days or contact us on [email protected] .

  • What is the best team size per Collaborative Team Canvas

    ANSWER: Most of this suite revolved around roles for 8 people. however there is some flex in this program and could range from 10. any more and the board gets too busy.

  • I have more than 1 team, and more than 10 people.

    ANSWER: Independent Self-Led Leaders Agreement: please note that the Collaborator Canvases are picked from Tirian's full program suite and are specially selected modules. Their purpose / use is for dialogue with small teams. This type of licensing model is not suitable, nor permitted to be used for training, teaching, running workshops, or commercial licensing beyond one-on-one and selected small groups. (anything beyond this would require the leaders to apply for full licensing partnership.) Tirian can remove / block any Miroboard URL at their discretion.

  • How do I purchase additional Collaborator Canvases?

    ANSWER: If you want to purchase more than one canvas /board or repeat for future sessions, contact us (TIRIAN) [email protected] and we can arrange codes and an invoice. Noting the above info > that this canvas board is for team coaching only. Anything larger should fall under the engagement of a complete workshop or full licencing partnership agreement.

  • Can I reuse the Collaborators Canvases?

    ANSWER: Independent Self-Led Leaders & Coaches- It’s recommended to repurchase a new board each time, for new teams, especially if the team wants to keep their current canvas live, (allowing them to revisit and update it). However at a squeeze, it can be reused by the same purchaser, noting the canvas would need to be reset (scrubbed) by the purchaser. Fully licensed partners - get unlimited access to the canvases and the equivalent physical table versions, if it forms part of their contract in the context of a full workshop & TTT contract.

  • Can an individual use the Collaborative Team Canvas

    ANSWER: Yes! Individuals can walk through the board ideas and concepts independently, with the

  • Is there any more?

    YES: we have a full integrated course (including PRE and POST learning, with ADVANCED ASSIGNMENT and ACCREDITATION options. ... ... There is also the opportunity to buy LICENCING and train the trainer for large scale roll-outs and/or independent training companies. .... This CSI program is also part of a larger Suite. ... ... There is also a CSI1 diagnostic course, and you can go onto be engaged with more Suites in this topic. These include: Harnessing Creative Intelligence (CQ) - for a competitive business advantage ... ... Creative Thinking Strategies: Skills to redesign your brain for generating unique ideas. ... ... Critical Thinking Skills: How to use critical thinking for more effective problem solving. ... ... Implications & Applications: Business facilitation with case study & coaching. TRY & APPLY: Become a company (eg P&G case study) and practice using the method to solve a seemingly impossible “wicked” problem. ... ... Innovation: How to Win The Innovation Race.