Course curriculum

Blended & Extended Learning Journey for leading teams in Isolated & Confined Environments

    1. LEARN: The Reality of Virtual (and diverse) Teams

    2. ABOUT: The Learning Journey Course & Topic

    1. REVIEW The Reality of Virtual Teams

    2. REACT: The Reality of Virtual Teams (from the above podcast interview)

    3. REFRESH: What makes a great team?

    4. REACT

    5. REFLECT

    1. REVIEW & REFRESH : Identifying and planning

    2. REACT

    3. REFLECT

    1. REVIEW & REFRESH: Communicate and clarify

    2. REACT:

    3. REFLECT: Communicate and clarify

    1. REVIEW & REFRESH: Evaluate and Align

    2. REACT Evaluate and align

    3. REFLECT

    1. REVIEW & REFRESH : The Reality of Virtual Teams

    2. REACT- Making Online Meetings more effective

    3. REFLECT

About this course

  • $29.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

About the Learning Journey

Learning Journeys are designed as a summary of the key points from the core topic.

Why this is course valuable? 

This is a chance to reflect on the core points covered in the topic, and consider them back in a workplace content. This allows you the options to try and apply the learnings weekly, so they become habits.

As part of this journey, you will have the opportunity to revise the key concepts, complete reflection questionnaires, and set actionable goals. 

Each week you can reflect on the previous weeks goals and create new ones, allowing the key points from the topic to be explored one at a time in the workplace. 

What is in the course?
This 7 week online self-paced, self-assessment includes short videos, a summary of key points and goal setting. 

They are specifically designed to ensure that the learning lasts and can be applied to the workplace. 


  • review key summary points
  • create actionable goals
  • review goals

Who is this course for?

1) participants that have completed the CORE session in the topic suite with their team.

2) independent learner looking to explore a summary of the core topics from the suite.


There are 7 sessions (recommended to do 1 each week) that should take between 20-50 mins per session to complete. 


What is in this Learning Journey online course

The lessons follow our format of: A)  Review & Refresh + B) Reflect & React. 

  1. The Review & Refresh sections contain summaries of the key points, further reading, videos, and quizzes.

  2. The  ReactReflect sections allow the participant to develop personal goals, action plans, and assess how they are implementing the strategies learned in the workplace. 

  3. Certificate of completion

About our Blended Learning options

We have flipped the classroom:


To ensure the best use of time is achieved we have flipped the classroom. The optional independent self-paced online ecosystem we have designed, blend any workshops (face to face or digital) to ensure participants can upskill themselves and dive deeper into the topic. 

It ensures that any face-to-face / digital workshop time is effectively used for active facilitation & collaborative activities, that clarify concepts and contextualize knowledge through the application, analysis, planning and problem-solving. These courses are educationally sound, academically researched, and business orientated.

Who are they for? & How are they engaged?

The online courses can be used by 

1) a company or team (purchased as part of the CORE workshop package, or as an add on at a later stage.)

2) an individual wanting to upskill themselves (by purchasing them independently.) If you are using these as 'add ones' from a paid core workshop, contact us for discounted codes.

Designers & Research Team

Andrew Grant   (BEd, Dip Tch)

Executive Director Tirian

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race”

Gaia Grant  (PhD, MSc, Grad Dip Change Leadership, BD (hons), BA, Dip Ed.)

Executive Director Tirian, Author, Doctoral Researcher & Lecturer
Associate Adjunct Faculty Discipline of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | University of Sydney Business School. 

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race” & Director of Tirian 

Contributing Researches & Co-designers:
- Dr Lloyd Irwin  (DMin) Leadership,
- Carol Fusek (former P&G executive)

Contributing Polar Explorers:
Matt McFadyen, Helen Jamoa, Thaddeus Lawrence, & the late Peter Malcolm