Course curriculum

Pre-course info & Essentials pack for leading teams in Isolated & Confined Environments

    1. Introduction to the On Thin ICE Course

    2. Course purpose (check of understanding)

    1. UNDERSTAND: The value of virtual practice fields

    2. KNOW: About the I.C.E. team challenges

    3. LEAD: IC.E. teams

    4. REVIEW: The realities of virtual teams at work

    5. REFLECT: What do you know about complex virtual / distributed teams?

    1. SURVEY: Check of team alignment

    2. PREPARE: Your experience of complex teams (Faces & Places Reflection)

    3. DOWNLOAD: Notebook for capturing thoughts & ideas (Digital fillable PDF download)

    1. PARTICIPATE: The CORE CONTENTS course learning

    2. AFTER: continied learning for after the core workshop

    3. Certificate

    4. Stay in touch! & How to contact us

    1. PRE-COURSE & ESSENTIALS PACK FEEDBACK FORM: The Reality of Virtual Teams (ICE)

About this course

  • $29.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

About the topic

Efficient teams need clear direction and alignment. This need is even stronger for distributed (virtual) and diverse teams, which have become the norm. Yet the skills required to lead these complex teams are not the same as those required for leading face to face. The leader must take on the additional role of managing unique team challenges complexities. Developing mutual goals and implementing these independently is hard work, so early wins are paramount. 

Research on Antarctic teams in Isolated and Confined Environments (ICE) provides a wealth of information about the challenges of achieving success in these contexts. In this program, we draw on decades of research from ICE teams and apply it to contemporary teams using an authentic Antarctic theme. This provides a memorable and engaging experience with clear actionable outcomes. This session includes 2 interactive gamified simulations to recreate the dynamics of complex teams and then uses this experience to debrief in a safe environment and facilitate action planning outcomes.

What is in this Introduction Pre-Course and Essentials Pack online course?

  1. INTRODUCTION: To the key topics through pre-reading & videos (Review & Reflect)
  2. PREPARE: Identify, using our 'Faces & Places' note sheet, to consider the impact this course could have in your daily life. (Essentials Pack: PDF download fillable note-sheet) 
  3. DOWNLOAD: The Core Workshop Digital notebook (Essentials Pack: PDF download fillable note-sheet)
  4. COMPLETE: An online survey- to check prior knowledge. (check your invite email to see if this is requested)
  5. PRACTICE: If your session is using online software (Miroboard) there is the chance to practice prior. (check your invite email to see if this is requested) 
    - NOTE if you are short on time, please ensure you have downloaded the Essentials Pack 'Digital Notebook' so as you can bring this to the CORE session.

Bonus material

  • Official eBook

    Download the official course ebook to support you as you work through the lessons.

  • Lifetime Access

    You’ll be able to come back and review the content at any point.

General Information, Progression Paths & Flow About This Course

Delivery options:

The Pre course is best taken as an introduction to the topic and before a more core session. The core session can either be run several different ways such ass:

1. A  company orgainsed professionally facilitated  workshop (A) face to face or (B) online virtual.

B. As an independently self-led session, by a leader with their team,

If you are entering these online learning courses organised by A) your company, then please check what is, and is not included in the package purchased by your company / organiser. If a course(s) is/are included, then you should have received a token code to enter (to avoid paying for it yourself). 

Often companies connect some (but not always all) of these online learning courses with a pre organised face to face (workshop) / digital (webinar) session as a blended learning experience.  

There is the options for those that have participated in (A) a company organised session,  can then self-lead independently a simple core elements session with their team, AND OR if a participant wants to upskill themselves and learn more, they can dive deeper, apply the learning, try an assignment, get coaching, feedback, (and with some of our courses - become accredited independently). This can all be done by purchasing the extra courses as set out in this progression path. (and gaining the matched certificate level associated with this.) 


    Includes: an Introduction to the topic (pre reading / videos), Reflection (Faces & Places), Pre-survey check prior knowledge & readiness etc AND the Digital workbook.

    Core Content options for learning the key ideas / points / models / case studies etc. By participation through either A) a group workshop -OR- B) self-lead a core elements session (Miroboard).

    This is a summary of our key courses using our 4Rs method. (Review, Refresh, Reflect & React.) These are primarily designed as a POST learning, attached to our CORE CONTENT sessions. We have flipped the classroom to allow the learning to take place over time with key points being reinforced at strategic moments along the way.

    This is to ensure the learning up to this stage can be actioned and used. In this course the participant has to complete a case study / assignment / pitch / recording of a coaching session and present it. The assignment can be followed up with one-on-one coaching and feedback session (group or individual). (Note: prerequisite core content courses apply).

    Become an accredited coach. Course divided into the learning core content plus assessment with feedback (see ADVANCED ASSIGNMENT COURSES as above) all leading to accreditation, so the participant can have a tool for their coaching toolbox to use as needed. (Note: prerequisite courses apply)

To ensure the best use of time is achieved we have flipped the classroom. The optional independent self-paced online sessions we have designed, blend any workshops (face to face or digital) to ensure participants can upskill themselves and dive deeper into the topic. It ensures that any face-to-face / digital workshop time is effectively used for active facilitation & collaborative activities, that clarify concepts and contextualize knowledge through the application, analysis, planning and problem-solving. These courses will help leaders and teams to reflect on and find real solutions to business needs offering a risk-free high impact engagement. These courses are educationally sound, academically researched, and business orientated.

The Winter Over Mystery Game: self-led

The Winter Over Mystery Game is a Simulation & Gamified Activity. This activity can be purchased and self-led by any leader and their team. 

Recommended for: Leaders and their teams that want to explore their communication patterns in a virtual setting, AND Leaders who have participated in the full  ON THIN ICE professionally facilitated sessions and would like to use the canvas for their teams.

Designers & Research Team

Andrew Grant   (BEd, Dip Tch)

Executive Director Tirian

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race”

Gaia Grant  (PhD, MSc, Grad Dip Change Leadership, BD (hons), BA, Dip Ed.)

Executive Director Tirian, Author, Doctoral Researcher & Lecturer
Associate Adjunct Faculty Discipline of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | University of Sydney Business School. 

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race” & Director of Tirian 

Contributing Researches & Co-designers:
- Dr Lloyd Irwin  (DMin) Leadership,
- Carol Fusek (former P&G executive)

Contributing Polar Explorers:
Matt McFadyen, Helen Jamoa, Thaddeus Lawrence, & the late Peter Malcolm