Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the CSI-1 Course

    2. Introduction to the CSI1 Modules

    3. Super Essentials Pack - (Notebooks | Activities | Survey)

    4. How long will this Pre-course take to do?

    5. Why am I here? (this is a quick check of understanding as to how I am participating in this course) Time: 2 min Quiz

    1. REVIEW: What is so fundamental about Creative Thinking? (video)

    2. REVIEW: WEF Future of Jobs Report & Creative Thinking :

    3. REFLECT: What is so fundamental about Creative Thinking? (5 min quiz)

    4. REFLECT: Who Killed Creativity? The 7 Suspects (From Andrew Grant's TEDx talk, or Google / ChatGPT the answers) 5 mins quiz

    1. IDENTIFY the impact of this course could have in your daily life (Faces & Places Reflection) (Digital fillable PDF download)

    2. DOWNLOAD: CSI1.1CQ Notebook for capturing thoughts & ideas (Digital fillable PDF download)

    3. DOWNLOAD: CSI1.2 WKC Notebook for capturing thoughts & ideas (Digital fillable PDF download)

    4. PREWORK ACTIVITY CSI1.1CQ session: My Shapes - to be done prior to the

    5. PREWORK ACTIVITY CSI1.2 WKC session: Miroboard practice corner - to be done prior to the workshop

    1. Who Killed Creativity? - Survey

    2. NDA & Follow up Resources


    4. B) Set up for success - reflection (digital, virtual & online sessions)

    5. PARTICIPATE in the CORE Contents course learning

    6. Feedback on this program / course

    7. AFTERWARDS: options for continued learning & certificate.

About this course

  • $29.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

About the Creative Thinking Fundamentals (CSI1): INTRO, PRE-COURSE & ESSENTIALS PACK

This course introduces the topic and contains: pre-work, reflection on how the content can be applied, & an essentials collaterals pack (digital notebook).

About this CSI-1 Course

We need to be creative to be innovative. But the relentless push to innovate faster is producing a toxic culture that may undermine the whole creative process. In our rush for end results fast, we could ironically be killing the very thing that will lead us to innovation: creativity. Creativity and innovation are not interchangeable words, and it’s important for effective businesses to understand why. In this session, we explore why we need both and the paradoxes behind this that can impact our work. 

Innovation is key for organisation transformation - but to prepare for innovation, there needs to be both a culture of creativity (at the organisation level) and creative thinking mindset and skill development (at the personal level). There are no shortcuts, and this is why many companies that only focus on embracing design thinking, agile, digital, and other innovation activities & tools (such as innovation labs, hackathons, sprints, scrum and design thinking models) often fail.

This session focuses on the potential psychological and neurological blocks to critical and creative thinking, and the practical process leaders can engage in with practical strategies to achieve more innovative results in themselves, their team, and their organization. This is an interactive diagnostic session designed to provoke an engaging discussion about the potential blocks to critical and creative thinking. Highly recommended to do prior to embarking on any design thinking learning / project.


This course aims to develop your innovation leadership skills by identifying and building on your innovation leadership strengths, addressing potential challenge areas and teaching techniques to lead for a culture of innovation.

Who is this course for? 

Creative thinking and innovation leadership are critical future work and life skills for all leaders. Learn how to build and lead teams for innovation, identify your personal creativity blockers (using our diagnostic gameboard & tools) and transform your organisation from within. This course is suitable for all budding entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, emerging leaders or existing managers wanting to transform their leadership styles.

- Leaders and teams that want to self-diagnose the current personal, team and organisation culture that might block or allow creative thinking to flourish. 

- Use this CSI-1 tool (Who Killed Creativity? gameboard) as an important prequel to diagnose and discuss key points before embarking on any design thinking or creative problem-solving venture.

This pre-course covers and introduces the module for CSI1. CSI1 is often divided into 2 main deliveries.

If you are a participant in an upcoming workshop session, check your email invite to see which will be included in your upcoming workshop session(s).

Module 1: 
CSI-1.1: Harnessing Creative Intelligence (CQ) (can run as a separate independent session)
In this session, you will explore, diagnose and map the CQ (Creative Quotient) skills into applicable business attributes and design thinking to show how they are crucial for anyone expecting creative solutions.
Modules 2, 3 & 4: 
CSI-1.2: Who Killed Creativity? (gamified simulation)
CSI-1.3: How to get Creativity Back
CSI-1.4: Implications & Applications
(these 3 modules normally run together)
In these sessions, you will explore 
the crime and scene by Identifying potential psychological and environmental blocks to creativity.

For the CORE course, there are several delivery options to choose from:

OPTION 1: Dive deep with a professional facilitator- A) Workshop / Keynote (face to face) or B) Webinar (virtual)
Book an accredited facilitator to walk you through the full program and debrief your team to reach more customised outcomes and develop action plans. (How: contact us / OR check with your organisation/leader, as they might have signed you up for this  INTRO / PRE course as part  of an upcoming session. )

OPTION 2: Collaborate in independent self-led teams
Purchase the digital game board online as an independent team and use the game format to discuss the topic in teams through following the online written & video instructions. (How: by purchasing this PRE- COURSE and /or the CORE course, or TEAM BUNDLE PACK)

OPTION 3: Explore the concepts as an individual
Individual self-paced learning through walking through the board ideas and concepts independently, and/or combining the experience with learning modules as part of the full bundle self-paced online courses. (How: by purchasing the CORE course, or BUNDLE PACK for INDIVIDUALS)


Watch Intro Video

Video CSI-1'Who Killed Creativity?' Digital-board Promo

What is in this Introduction Pre-Course and Essentials Pack online course?

  1. INTRODUCTION: To the key topics through pre-reading & videos (Review & Reflect)
  2. PREPARE: Identify, using our 'Faces & Places' note sheet, to consider the impact this course could have in your daily life. (Essentials Pack: PDF download fillable note-sheet) 
  3. DOWNLOAD: The Core Workshop Digital notebook (Essentials Pack: PDF download fillable note-sheet)
  4. COMPLETE: An online survey- to check prior knowledge. (check your invite email to see if this is requested)
  5. PRACTICE: If your session is using online software (Miroboard) there is the chance to practice prior. (check your invite email to see if this is requested) 
    - NOTE if you are short on time, please ensure you have downloaded the Essentials Pack 'Digital Notebook' so as you can bring this to the CORE session.


If you are entering this online learning courses organised by A) your company, then please check what is, and is not included in the package purchased by your company / organiser. If a course(s) is/are included, then you should have received a token code to enter (to avoid paying for it yourself). 

Often companies connect some (but not always all) of these online learning courses with a pre organised face to face (workshop) / digital (webinar) session as a blended learning experience.  

There is however the options for those that have participated in (A) a company organised session, but want more, so as to learn more, dive deeper, apply the learning, try an assignment, get feedback, and with some of our courses become accredited independently. This would be done by purchasing the extra courses as set out in this progression path. (and gaining the matched certificate level associated with this.) 

    Includes: an 
    Introduction to the topic (pre reading / videos), Reflection (Faces & Places), Pre-survey check prior knowledge & readiness etc AND the Digital workbook.

    Core Content options for learning the key ideas / points / models / case studies etc. By participation through either A) a group workshop -OR- B) individual learning other learning options.

    This is a summary of our key courses using our 4Rs method. (Review, Refresh, Reflect & React.) These are primarily designed as a POST learning, attached to our CORE CONTENT sessions. We have flipped the classroom to allow the learning to take place over time with key points being reinforced at strategic moments along the way.

     This is to ensure the learning up to this stage can be actioned and used. In this course the participant has to complete a case study / assignment / pitch / recording of a coaching session and present it. The assignment can be followed up with one-on-one coaching and feedback session (group or individual). (Note: prerequisite core content courses apply).

    Become an accredited coach. Course divided into the learning core content plus assessment with feedback (see ADVANCED ASSIGNMENT COURSES as above) all leading to accreditation, so the participant can have a tool for their coaching toolbox to use as needed. (Note: prerequisite courses apply).

    WE'VE FLIPPED IT: To ensure the best use of time is achieved we have flipped the classroom. The optional independent self-paced online sessions we have designed, blend any workshops (face to face or digital) to ensure participants can upskill themselves and dive deeper into the topic. It ensures that any face-to-face / digital workshop time is effectively used for active facilitation & collaborative activities, that clarify concepts and contextualize knowledge through the application, analysis, planning and problem-solving. These courses will help leaders and teams to reflect on and find real solutions to business needs offering a risk-free high impact engagement. These courses are educationally sound, academically researched, and business orientated.

Bonus material

  • Official eBook

    Download the official course ebook to support you as you work through the lessons.

  • Lifetime Access

    You’ll be able to come back and review the content at any point.

Additional Support Products

Books, Videos, Audio Journeys, Keynotes, Research etc

 Learning Journey:  Jump straight to and purchase the ‘Learning Journey’,   Advanced Assignment & Accreditation courses. This can great ways to upskill yourself, (and for independent individuals to learn the core content.
How: click back to the home page  and look for the other courses connected to this topic.

Buy the book “Who Killed Creativity And How Can We Get It Back?” 
The book contains similar content of the workshop with end of chapter exercises, applications and reflections
How: Amazon (Hard copy, Audible, and Kindle versions available) Published by Wiley 

Purchase and listen to the audio podcast Wisdom Destinations “Who Killed Your Creativity?” Podcast, story, interview with leaders notes and reflection action planning. Published by Wisdom Destinations 

Purchase a one on one coaching session pack
How: contact us [email protected] 

Note: when we use the word "purchase“ or “buy” this means you will need to buy this for an additional cost.

Designers & Research Team

Andrew Grant  (BEd, Dip Tch)

Executive Director Tirian

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race”

Gaia Grant  (PhD, MSc, Grad Dip Change Leadership, BD (hons), BA, Dip Ed.)

Executive Director Tirian, Author, Doctoral Researcher & Lecturer
Associate Adjunct Faculty Discipline of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | University of Sydney Business School. 

Co-author “Who Killed Creativity” & “The Innovation Race” & Director of Tirian 

Contributing Researches & Co-designers:
- Dr Jason Gallate (PhD) Psychology & Neuroscience,
- Dr Lloyd Irwin  (DMin) Leadership,
- Carol Fusek (former P&G executive)
Watch Intro Video


CSI Creative Scene Investigation Program and Licencing Promo